Monday, July 13, 2009


I have a really bad habit... of falling in love with products that end up being discontinued. And, it's happened more times than I'd like to count. For example, I had a favorite body wash/lotion scent from Bath and Body Works - Grapefruit Peppermint. Discontinued. I had a favorite soft drink - Schweppes raspberry ginger ale. Discontinued. (and then they did it to me again with the original Cherry 7Up!) . My favorite candle scent at Yankee Candle - discontinued. My favorite deodorant - discontinued. And so on, and so forth. And I could keep going! There are obviously alternative options, but it's never the same. And I want my products! Like take for example, the cranberry ginger ale that is still available. It's good... but, it's not the same. And now my poor dog is experiencing discontinuation of a favorite item... I used to get him these compressed pigshide bones at Giant (because pigshide is easier for them to digest than rawhide) - they are now discontinued. They have ten million other products that made the cut, but not the Piggy Bones. Poor Sam. I know, I know, he's just a dog, and doesn't know the difference, but I'm starting to take all of these cancelled products personally! What gives! Why can't they discontinue something that I DON'T use?! I'm not sure I can take any more!!!

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