Monday, July 20, 2009

Back to Baby

Soooo... ultrasound #3 was on Friday. Baby Rolston's heart is beating at about 130 BPM (which seemed to be OK by the ultrasound tech's expectations) and is measuring at about 8 mm! It was neat to compare the 3 ultrasound photos we've had taken so far, and see just how much it's growing... makes us really excited to see photos of this kid when I'm 3+ months along! It's so amazing! Additionally, Dr. Glassner told us that he's very pleased with the embryo's growth and that, if things continue to develop at the same rate, then we may not have to keep seeing him anymore! Hooray!!! Though I must say, it's been quite a comfort to know that every Friday we're getting updates on the health and progress of the baby... but my wallet (and my shitty insurance company) will appreciate the less frequent visits to Main Line Fertility! But, the good news is, once he doesn't need to see us anymore, it means we've passed the threshold of major risk for miscarriage, so that means (God willing!) smooth sailing after that.

But I still feel great, with the exception of a few bouts of nausea here and there. I am extraordinarily tired, though... and these late night soccer games are very soon going to be a thing of the past. I will probably play for 2-3 more weeks, which will take me to approximately 10 weeks, give or take a few days. And that will be it for me. Sad, but necessary for Baby Rolston's safety!

Dave's Mom has already shared with me that she's begun buying a multitude of things for her future grandchild. If my Mom has purchased anything, she hasn't shared that info. I personally have only bought two items so far... I won't allow myself to really shop for this kid until we are much further down the line.

I am starting to really itch to tell people. I find myself telling random strangers, in the store, at the bank, etc. I SO BADLY want to share our news with the world, but I'm still apprehensive and want to wait just a few more weeks. We're at approximately 8 now, so we think at about 10, we'll be ready to finally share. It's gonna be a long two weeks!

Both "Nanas" have told me that they are struggling to keep the news in. (yes that could indeed get confusing if they're both gonna be called Nana...) Especially Dave's Mom, who is the last of ALL of her friends to have grandchildren, and though she puts on a front acting as though it's not very important to her, cannot WAIT to brag to everyone that she finally has one on the way. I was shopping with my Mom on Friday night and she admitted that she's having a hard time containing the news too. Soon enough, everyone. Soon enough. I promise.

You think this isn't hard for me?!?!?!?!? I just want to scream it from the rooftops... I'M GONNA BE A MOMMY!