Monday, August 17, 2009

"Isn't that the thing they use for the weather?"

Today, I am 11 weeks and 4 days pregnant. And I had my second appointment at Valley Forge, OB/GYN. I met with a different doc in the practice, Dr. Cantarella, who consequently I loved and will definitely be seeing for the duration of my pregnancy if I can. After taking my blood pressure and weighing me (I've only gained two pounds in 3 months, woohoo!) they escorted us into the ultrasound room. Then, Dr. C came in and informed us that she would only perform an ultrasound if she was unable to hear the baby's heartbeat on the Doppler. That's right folks, it's "the thing they use for the weather." (Dave, you are so cute... I love you so much!!!) So Dr. C whipped out a small black device, put some warm clear jelly on my belly, and began the hunt for the little one's heartbeat. Immediately, I got falsely excited when I heard a slow and steady heartbeat... only to be told it was mine. She tried a few other places, and still heard nothing. She did inform me that it was still early enough that there was a chance she wouldn't be able to pick it up... and of course with each repositioning of the Doppler, my heart sunk further and further into my stomach. Just when she was about to give up and boot up the ultrasound machine, there it was! Beating away, fast and furious, like a little drum... I could hear my baby's heart. It was one of the most amazing sounds I have ever heard. I immediately started to get teary-eyed... this was the reassurance I had been waiting for! It's so easy to read sad stories about people who went in for their 8 week appointment, and everything was fine... only to go in at 12 and find out that the baby's heart had stopped... and so for the past several weeks I had myself unnecessarily worried. But, now we know, he/she is in there, cooking away! What sweet relief!!!
Our next appointment is next Tuesday, when I will have what's called a sequential scan. It's also known as an NT, or Nuchal Translucency scan. This is when they perform a battery of tests, including a comprehensive ultrasound to determine if the baby has any chromosomal abnormalities, like Down's Syndrome and a number of others. It's an elective but recommended test. Besides, they have pretty high tech equipment and it'll be pretty awesome to get a clear view of our baby at 12.5 weeks, especially since the last time we saw it was 7.5 and it still looked like a little tiny shrimp!
Anyway, keep thinking good thoughts for us, and Baby Rolston! More updates to come!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awww Lyn! I'm so glad they picked it up, it is the best sound on earth!
