Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Taking Flight

In five days, we are flying to California. With Natalie in tow. Her very first flight. And of course it has to be a trans-continental flight, not a little jaunt to Boston or Chicago or something. I'm not going to lie and say that I haven't been suffering from major anxiety over it. Both the unknown of Natalie's behavior on her first flight, and the I've been constantly reassured by many fellow moms, that everything will be fine and I'm worrying over nothing. But - we've ALL been on a plane when there's been a baby wailing for the ENTIRE flight, and as much as you want to be sympathetic and feel for that child, it's annoying. Perhaps your feelings change once you have children of your own... maybe it does. But I know that the last time I flew a significant distance and a child cried incessantly, it drove me nuts. And I don't want my child to be at fault for irritating a plane full of California-bound passengers for SEVEN HOURS. Sure, I'm exaggerating... I really don't think Natalie will cry the entire time. I'm kind of hoping she won't cry or scream at all. But, I know that I struggled with my ears as a child (and even often as an adult) on takeoff and landing, and that part concerns me. That said, the only thing more annoying than a crying baby on a plane is a kid kicking the back of your seat the entire time. At least I can rest assured we won't have that problem - her little legs aren't long enough for that to even be an issue!
I was also slightly concerned about what I was going to do about feeding her properly while in transit. I am packing a ton of finger foods and snacks to offer her as the flight progresses, but she will likely need a proper meal (or two) while we're in flight, and I have no idea how that will be properly accomplished, especially since they no longer feed you on flights (at least not for free...). I also know the rules for bringing liquids on a plane are ridiculously stringent, and that doesn't help for a child who is reliant on organic whole milk and yogurt for the majority of her nutrition. And I certainly won't have a toaster on board to make her a frozen waffle, or a microwave for oatmeal. It's not as if I can't find milk or yogurt in the airport, but I'd really rather stick to what she's used to if at all possible. I mean, the world won't come to an end if she has to drink regular (GASP!) whole milk instead of organic for a bottle or two, but still... I knew there had to be some way around it. Breastfeeding Moms are allowed to bring pumped breastmilk on a plane, and I can't imagine they limit them to only 3 oz... so why wouldn't the rules apply to us non-breastfeeding parents as well? My Mom did some research, and it turns out, the rules are indeed bendable. So I can bring her some milk and yogurt, as long as we pack it separately and they are able to inspect it closely. At least that's according to the TSA website. I'm bringing the printout from which we obtained that information, just in case we run into any issues. Anyone whose ever traveled out of Philadelphia International Airport knows that you never know WHAT to expect when it comes to security... here's to hoping the lines aren't too crazy at 5:45 am on a Saturday.

The other good news is, there will be four adults that can help distract/entertain her - we are flying with my parents, so that will be a big help. Especially because Natalie is nutso for her Nana and Grandpa. But... I'm still having anxiety. It is a LONG time for a little person to be forced to "sit still." Hopefully we can take turns walking her up and down the aisle (one of her favorite activities is walking while holding someone's hands....) and the variety of parents/grandparents she'll have will keep her occupied. But... I'm still nervous.
I've already packed and re-packed her diaper bag about six times... trying to figure out which toys have the most significance, and which have the most potential to keep her attention the longest. Making sure I have enough finger foods and snacks to keep her full/happy. We were very fortunate to have inherited my Mom's "old" iPad when she invested in a newer model, so I've loaded that up with episodes of Wonder Pets, Sesame Street, Olivia, and plenty of games for Natalie to play with us. I bought some crayons and a blank pad of paper to see if we can get her to do some coloring (per the pediatrician's suggestion, too). I know I am worrying unnecessarily... and I'm sure everyone is right, that things will be fine. I haven't even begun to THINK about how this trip is going to throw off Natalie's schedule and habits - that's a whole other issue I will stress about when the time comes, LOL. But I won't be totally satisfied and de-stressed about the traveling issue until we land in Los Angeles on Saturday and can begin our much needed vacation!


  1. Does she still drink any formula? We flew to Boston in the fall, and they let me bring formula through. They didn't open the unopened container, and they tested the opened one.

    As for meal things - does she like bagels? They last pretty well, and you could probably bring something to spread on it.

    Do you have any of the Duck Duck Moose games for the iPad? We have Itsy Bitsy Spider & Wheels on the Bus for the iPhone, and N LOOOVES itsy bitsy.

    For take-off and landing, we put juice in N's sippy so that she'd be more willing to drink it, and therefore help with popping her ears.

    Only other suggestion is you could do a pre-flight trial run with benadryl and see if it makes her sleepy (some kids have an opposite reaction, where it winds them up) and give her a little if you want her to sleep.


  2. Thx for the tips!!! I will let you know how it goes. She's not on formula anymore, just milk...
    and the bagel thing could work, I'm sure I can find one of those in the airport. Just break it up real small... she still only has 3 teeth! LOL
    But these are good ideas, thanks N xoxo
