Wednesday, June 9, 2010

A better blogger

Thinking about blogging has stressed me out lately.

I don't know why I can't seem to keep up with this. I really wanted to. Or at least I thought I did. I envy those who are able to check into their blogs regularly and update the world on their life and the exciting things happening in it. I had big plans to keep up with this blog, if not for myself, then for Natalie's sake - so when she gets older, she can read about my journey to get her here, and our adventures once she arrived. But I'm just not good at it. And I can't blame time - I have plenty of that. I just don't choose to write like I want to. I've come to the conclusion that I think I like reading other people's blogs more than writing my own. I don't feel like I am anywhere near as clever or verbally expressive as most of my blog-writing compadres and I sometimes feel like what I write comes out forced or put-on, if that makes sense. And I know it's not a competition, but I feel like there are so many more interesting blogs out there and that my ridiculous rambling drivel is probably just as uninteresting to others as it is to me.
That said, I sat down today to try to write. But, being the ever so slightly OCD person than I am, especially when it comes to doing things chronologically, I sat here trying to go back and figure out all of the things that were mentionable in the order that I felt it necessary to mention them. And I just got annoyed. That I can't just sit and write freely - that this has to feel like a process. I guess maybe this was more fun when I was still pregnant and there were all of those milestones and moments that were unique and fun and exciting.

But hang on.

Having a baby is unique and fun and exciting. And every baby is different. And everyone's journey into parenthood is different. And there are a lot of funny stories and moments that I could potentially share in this blog. And then I came to the grand realization; I'm just spending too much time enjoying Natalie and her progress in real life, and not worried about writing it down, because no matter what, I'll remember the parts that count and be able to share them with her when she needs or wants to know. 

So, all of that said, I'm going to attempt to be a "better blogger." But I won't sweat it, if, say, two months goes by without a word recorded. I don't need to jump online and document every time Natalie eats a different solid food, or bats an eyelash. Kudos to those of you out there reading this who may be able to keep up with detail like that. But this Mommy's got better things to do than stress over an outdated blog. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Much better things. :D

    And don't do like me, where I don't post for a while, and then can't get myself to post b/c I freak out too much over everything I haven't posted about. heh.
