On Monday, Nov 16th, Dave and I were lucky enough to get to see our little girl in utero yet again.
This time, she decided to be a good baby, and was in the right position to get us not only some great photos, but to allow the doctor to get the measurements he had needed before. As of that date, she was weighing in at 1 lb, 12 oz and the doctor speculated that she probably is about 10-11 inches long now. But he referred to her as seeming "happy and healthy," which was A-OK by me. Here are some of the many pix they gave us; please excuse the crooked scan job.

Needless to say it was a great way to kick off the week... my next OB appointment is in our 28th week (!!!!!!), but I have to take my gestational diabetes glucose test this coming Monday, which to be honest, I am not all that excited about. #1, I've heard the nasty orange liquid is absolutely disgusting to drink and that you have to do what you can to pound it, and #2, because of the PCOS with which I was diagnosed last spring, I am at a much higher risk for GD. But, think good thoughts... if I fail the 1-hour glucose test, I have to go back to schedule a 3 hour test as a follow up. That one is more telling; if I don't pass that, then they can basically assume I have GD and I will be put on a very strict diet, and possibly even have to take insulin :(
But, again, must think good thoughts until we have something to really worry about!
ReplyDeleteDid they give you the orange stuff to bring home or do you have to drink it there? I was given mine in the office and put in in the fridge. Cold is def better. OH and drink it through a straw if you can. It really isn't horrible...just REALLY sugary flat orange soda/Tang tasting.
Good luck!