Total weight gain/loss: up 6 lbs as of my last doctor's appt. on the 12th of October
Maternity clothes? wearing maternity pants almost every day, haven't made the switch to shirts yet
Sleep: sleeping MUCH better but when I do wake up in the middle of the night, I sometimes have trouble getting back to sleep
Best moment this week: our ultrasound this past Monday, and feeling her kick at night!
Food cravings: nothing specific these days... trying to eat healthier, actually!
Gender: it's a GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Labor Signs: Haha, not yet, thank goodness...
Belly Button in or out? In, but seemingly more shallow than before
What I miss: wine and sushi
What I am looking forward to: our next ultrasound on Nov. 16th
Weekly Wisdom: I am being told on a daily basis to get the flu shot!
Milestones: hitting the halfway point at 20 weeks :)

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