Here is the first official photo of Baby Rolston! It's not the best shot... Baby Rolston is proving to be a stubborn little bugger already (clearly takes after both parents in that regard...)! We had our NT scan today, and the little one wouldn't get into the proper position for the ultrasound tech to get the needed measurements! They poked and prodded at my abdomen to get the baby to reposition itself, which resulted in lots of flailing arms and legs (it was pretty damn cute, actually). The baby is measuring at about 3 inches, crown to rump, and we heard the heartbeat again, this time clocking in at 159 bpm, which we were told is still good. We measured ahead of where we thought we were, only by a few days, so I'm still sticking with March 4th as our due date, for now! I should hear in 3-5 days from the genetic counselor with the results of the scan (hopefully the measurements they got will give them an accurate reading!) and blood draw... and I go back again around 16 weeks to have more blood taken. Our next ultrasound should be around 20 weeks, when we will have the option to find out if we're having a boy or a girl!
Pretty awesome!