So, as for Baby McRolston (as a few have started calling him/her) is concerned, here is the update:

Baby's now the size of a green olive! Your little embryo has now officially graduated to fetus-hood. Adding to the excitement, a Doppler ultrasound device might be able to pick up the beating heart. With basic physical structures in place and increasingly distinct facial features, baby is kind of starting to look like...well...a baby!
Last Friday, we had our fourth ultrasound with Dr. Glassner @ Main Line Fertility. Baby was growing right on schedule, and my levels were apparently just where he wanted them to be. So, he gave us his blessing and sent us on our way! HOORAY! This was extremely exciting news. Though, I have to say, I was being pampered... having ultrasounds on a weekly basis and getting that constant reassurance that everything was moving along as it should have been. But alas, I will have to join the ranks of thousands and thousands of other pregnant women worldwide who have to just hurry up and wait several weeks for each appointment. So now, my journey begins with my regular OB/GYN. I actually had an appointment there on Monday the 20th, and I have to say, I did NOT care for the Doc with whom I had the appointment. The person I'd been seeing for the past several years at that practice is actually a Physician's Assistant, and I guess though she's been qualified to treat me before, she can't see me through the pregnancy all the way. Which is a total bummer... seeing as I've developed a relationship with her and like her a lot. And it never occured to me in years past to even ask if she would see me through any future pregnancies... I just assumed yes. But, I'm hoping that, over the next several visits I can see a few different docs and find one I like. It's recommended that you see several in your practice anyway because you never know who is going to be around/on call/available when you actually deliver. My next appointment is on Monday the 17th, and I see yet a different doc then, so hopefully I'll have better luck.
But the good news is, Baby Rolston is still in there cooking away, growing fast, and giving me several bouts of on-again-off-again nausea, but otherwise... all is well!!!